Semiconductor Assembly,Electroni,Adjustment and Qulaity controlb Vegetable Plants Administration,Cultivation,Plan and Projectb f-planning

f-planningFSemiconductor Equipment | Vegetable Plants


05 August to 07 August 2013
We participated in ExhibitionsgINTER FOOD JAPAN 2013h in Tokyo,
displayed IKEDA Star Vege and IKEDA Satellite at our booth.



29 May to 31 May 2013
We participated in Exhibitions gSmart Community Japan 2013h in Tokyo,
displayed IKEDA Star Vege and IKEDA Delight at our booth.
Web site gSmart Community Japan 2013"


06 April 2013
The briefing session of the company policy was held as nineth period.


29 October 2012
We displayed a table top hydroponic solution and also provided vegetable tasting at
Aisho 66 Kamado Festival.

SemiconductorBusiness VegetablePlantBusiness

¡SemiconductorEquipment(Wafer Cleaning System)

  • Assembly

  • Electroni

  • Adjustment

  • Quality control

¡Liquid crystal Board Conveyance Case Manufacture

¡General Worker Dispatching Undertakings

¡Planning and Designing Vegetable Factory

¡Training and Supporting Operations of

Vegetable Factory

¡Distributor of MINI Vegetable Factory

¡Temp Service of Workers


"The near future of F-planning"

Employee of our company drew this picture as "The near future of F-planning" in 2010.

Click the image to see the enlarged image.

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